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Manchester United Women v Paris St Germain Féminine
(10 October 2023)

Manchester United Women v Paris St Germain Féminine
(10 October 2023)

Manchester United Women v Paris St Germain Féminine
UEFA Women’s Champions League Qualifying, Round Two
Tuesday 10 October 2023 – 8.00pm

There’s literally nowhere else we’d rather be on this Tuesday night than here at LSV cheering on the Reds! As the Champions League anthem goes – the
Women’s Champions League anthem, that is, which you might not be quite so familiar with! – ‘the time is now, c’est maintenant (it’s now).’

Manchester United Women v Paris St Germain Féminine
(10 October 2023)

Note: You can add any SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS for this order in LAST STEP of the ordering process.

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